Prologue - Chapter 1
In what ways are Cady and Nana different? How has cancer changed Nana?
flourish (1)
sputtering (8)
solemn (9)
fatigue (10)
Chapters 2 - 3
How has Nana's attitude about her future changed? How do you think news from doctors caused this to change?
shabby (20)
exertion (20)
confidential (23)
prim (27)
jounce (36)
Chapters 4 - 5
Why do you think Athea's comments and questions made Cady so angry?
abdomen (46)
objected (52)
criticism (53)
vivid (64)
Chapter 6 - 8
Where do you think Russle's fear is coming from? What is he afraid might happen?
enticing (66)
trespassing (69)
transparent (73)
miffed (77)
fatigue (89)
Chapters 9 - 11
Cady is being pulled in two different directions by Laura and Nana. What do each want from Cady?
giddy (99)
outrage (106)
monstrosity (113)
pixie (118)
Chapters 12 - 13
What ideas about life and death do you think the author wanted you to think about?
swivel (122)
rummage (123)