Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Whispering Road by Livi Michael

Chapters 1 - 3
Why are Joe and Annie escaping at the beginning of the the story?  What advice are they given?
clout (1)
daft (3)
baying (10)
scorching (13)
haunches (21)
spurned (22)

Chapters 4 - 7
How does Joe treat Dog Woman?  Does she deserve it?  Why do you think he feels this way?
copses (32)
lynch (43)
falter (45)
croon (48)

Chapters 8 - 10
How are they treated by Barnaby?  What lesson do you think Joe has learned from this?
slacken (61)
plundering (67)
bellowing (70)
din (74)
clamor (79)
crone (84)

Chapters 11 - 13
What power does Annie have?  How has it shown up in the story so far?  How does Joe feel about it?
fret (100)
mending (106)
sallow (110)
sullen (117)

Chapters 14 - 17
Why do you think Joe has made the decision he has?  Was he being selfish or generous?  Expalin.
scorched (121)
mire (123)
flounce (126)
aghast (129)
bellow (137)

Chapters 18 - 21
What has caused characters to become sick?  Is there any way they could have avoided it?
brandish (153)
relieve (156)
cower (162)
saunter (168)
simpering (168)

Chapters 22 - 26
What things has Mr. M done for Nat?  What reason do you think he might have for his generosity?
whimper (181)
stout (189)
tureen (190)
smirk (196)
timidly (201)
invalid (207)

Chapters 27 - 31
What information does Nat learn about the poor in Manchester?  Do you think that Mr. M is wrong after learning this?  Why?
livery (213)
feckless (216)
idle (219)
deranged (224)
defiance (232)
philanthropic (236)

Chapters 32 - 37
How has Joe/Jack/Dodger/Nat changed over the course of the book?  Has he become a better or worse character because of these changes?
fasting (242)
benefactor (253)
heckle (263)
loiter (263)
tramp (266)
repealed (270)

Chapters 38 - Afterward
Did the story have a happy ending?  Were the wicked punished?  What do you think the author was ying to say through this book?
advert (280)
humane (290)
audit (293)

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