Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Wind in the Door by Madeline L'Engle

Chaper 1
Why is Charles Wallace picked on at school?  When did it start?  Why hasn't anyone done anything to stop it?
forage (9)
forlorn (10)
implausible (12)
inevitable (19)
symbiotic (20)
lethargic (21)

Chapter 2
In what ways is Meg different from her siblings?  How does she fit into her family?
ailment (33)
intuition (34)
precarious (37)
fascimile (38)
lucrative (43)
consolation (53)

Chapter 3
What are each of the three children asked to do by Teacher?
indignation (57)
ludicrous (59)
adapt (60)
radiant (63)
acute (66)

Chapter 4
What are Echthroi?  What do they do?
solidify (77)
negate (84)
fissure (87)

Chapters 5 - 6
Which was the real Mr. Jenkins?  How did Meg figure it out?
wary (94)
opaque (95)
rancid (102)
lax (110)
farce (111)

Chapter 7
What have you learned about mitochondria and farandolae at this point?
phobia (122)
intuition (126)
dispute (138)

Chapters 8 - 9
How is kything different than thinking?  Why is it hard for Meg?
concievable (146)
undulate (149)
revert (155)

Chapter 10
What does the author mean when she says that people, stars and farandolae "come of age"?
baffling (163)
avid (167)

Chapters 11 - 12
How are galaxies, people and mitochondria related?  What do you think the author wanted you to take from this book?
dissonance (175)
abhor (181)
elude (191)

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