Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Secret of the Fortune Wookie by Tom Angleberger

How do you have a file without Dwight? - Fortune Wookie Boogie-Woogie
How does the Fortune Wookie work?  Can you give and example?
reform school (2)
engulf (5)
obnoxious (7)
contribution (19)
fidget (22)

Who is the weirdest kid in school? - Dwight without Origami Yoda
Why do you think Dwight stopped taking Origami Yoda to school?  How did his new class react to him?
unique (34)
mascot (35)
clobber (47)
certificate (52)

Attack of the Clones - Normalness
What evidence is there that Dwight has changed?  Does he seem unhappy?
obsessed (60)
abbreviation (65)
gullible (67)
dislodge (70)

The Fortune Wookie and the Flight of the Millennium Rug-Boni - The non-attack of the spiders
Do you think Tommy should have apologized for the snottroopers?  Why or why not?
felony (92)
solo (94)
ironic (109)
feeble (113)
confiscate (114)

The Fortune Wookie and the Twist - The Fortune Wookie that Wasn't
What pieces of evidence does Harvey have that shows the Fortune Wookie is a hoax?  What are your thoughts?
pathetic (120)
contrary (124)
hoax (146)

The Most Important Part of the Case File - Happy New Year from Rabbski
What do you think of the end?  How might Origami Yoda deal with the changes at school?
obnoxious (160)
miserable (163)
hassle (166)
luminous (168)

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