Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Midnight for Charlie Bone by Jenny Nimmo

Prolouge - Charlie Hears Voices
How is Charlie related to characters mentioned so far?  Create a web to show how they are connected.

descendant (ix)
criticize (4)
premonitions (6)
retort (10)
sly (16)

The Yewbeam Aunts
Explain Charlie's endowment.  How does this fit with his family's history?

asses (21)
aghast (21)
reluctant (27)
clamor (30)
endow (34)
forbade (34)

The Flame Cats
What mystery has Charlie stumbled into?  What does he need to do?  Where does he need to go?

reverie (44)
ominious (46)
fond (48)
immaculate (48)
courier (59)
cope (61)

The Inventor's Case

Benjamin seems upset about Charlie's school change.  Why do you think this is?

taint (75)
mournful (77)
dejected (80)
pompous (84)

Trapped in the Dark
Why is Charlie being so secretive with the case?  Why doesn't he take it home?

vandal (87)
frivolous (88)
reluctant (92)
contrite (93)

A Ruined School Break

What preperations does Charlie need to complete before he attends Bloor's Academy?  Why are the requirements so extreme?

decietful (105)
emerge (110)
intrigued (112)
gratitude (116)
infectious (120)
forlorn (123)

When Charlie is hypnotized, what does he see?  What event matches these details?  Explain.

disgrace (124)
pretext (129)
gravely (137)
precaution (142)

Breaking the Rules
What rules does Charlie break on his first day?  Was it his fault that they were broken?

imposing (153)
recite (155)
malicious (164)
transgress (164)

The Red King's Room
Who do we know that is endowed at this point?  What powers do they have?

optimistic (168)
bestow (171)
doling (174)
dais (174)
disperse (177)
matron (187)

Skeleton's in the Closet
What do you think the skeleton room is used for?  What might Dr. Bloor be looking for?

eager (193)
solemn (195)
anxious (199

Clues At Last - Mind Games
How does Charlie block Manfred's hypnotizm?  Why might this be helpful later?

prying (209)
sulfur (210)
sinister (212)
intrude (230)
petrified (234)

The Inventor's Tale
Do you think that Miss Ingledew could ever like Uncle Paton despite his power?  Why?

pace (242)
urgent (246)
avail (247)
transfix (249)
pensive (255)
affliction (257)

Billy's Dark Bargain - A Ringing, Chanting, Shining Knight
What is Charlie's plan to awaken Emilia Moon?  What will happen if he succeeds?

eerie (263)
haughty (265)
prospect (269)
haste (274)
rant (291)

What do Charlie's aunts want?  What war is coming?  Predict and explain.

broth (294)
conspirators (299)
spiteful (301)
antisceptic (306)

The Inventor's Daughter
Why might Emma Tolly be so important to the Bloor's?  Why do they want her so badly?

reverberate (325)
bemuse (331)
dingy (337)
deprive (340)

The Red King
Retell the legend of the Red King.  Include details of where he came from, his children, and where he went.

fervently (344)
maim (349)

Into the Ruin - The Battle of the Endowed
Who are the allies that come to Charlie's aid?  Who are the endowed trying to harm him?

sensible (362)
wary (364)
rife (374)
pretext (386)

The Longest Night of the Year
Do you think it wise for Charlie to return to Bloor's?  Why does he feel he needs to continue?

forged (393)

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