Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

Prologue - Chapter 4

Why does Winnie want to run away from her home?

hub (4)
ceased (12)
staggering (15)
marionette (18)

Chapters 5 - 7

How did the Tuck's discover that they had changed after drinking from the spring?

venture (23)
prim (27)
perversely (33)
gypsies (39)

Chapters 8 - 11
Why did the Tucks bring Winnie with them?  Why couldn't she just stay with them?

recede (45)
melancholy (48)
hastily (55)
elation (57)

Chapters 12 - 16

Why do you think the man in yellow wants the woods in exchange for returning Winnie?

hunched (65)
linger (70)
illiterates (74)
constable (77)

Chapters 17 - 19

What would the man in yellow do?  Is this morally right or wrong?

peculiar (83)
weep (87)
fascinated (95)
magnificent (97)

Chapters 20 - 23

Why can't the Tucks allow Ma to be hung?

envious (103)
spare (110)
mingle (113)
poise (120)

Chapters 24 - Epilogue

Should Winnie have used the spring?  Would you have?  Why?

barred (122)
astonishment (129)
inscription (137)

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