Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff

First Picture - Second Picture
Why does Hollis have to move around so often?  Why doesn't she stay in one house?  Where does she go?
dollop (1)
irratable (8)
blistering (14)

Chapter 2 - Fourth Picture
What things does Hollis care about?  People?  Objects?  Places?
whittle (18)
canal (22)
skitter (24)
lure (27)
trundle (30)
irridescent (32)

Chapter 4 - Sixth Picture
What is wrong with Josie?  Why is Hollis afraid of being taken away from her?
linger (41)
peer (51)
easle (57)

Chapter 7 - Eighth Picture
Why is Hollis leaving with Josie?  What will happen if they stay?  Where will they go to?
bellow (69)
tendency (72)
frenzy (77)

Chapter 9 - Ninth Picture
What happened between Hollis and the Old Man's family?  What good things were promised?  What clues do we have about how it ended?
silhouettes (89)
pucker (97)

Chapters 11 - 12
What is your opinion of the mustard woman?  Does she want good or ill for Hollis?  Explain.
bough (106)
indent (108)
jubilant (110)
rummage (113)

Eleventh Picture - Twelth Picture
Who do you think was responsible for the car accident?  Should Hollis have ran?  Why?
deceptive (121)
incorrigible (124)
fracture (137)

Chapter 14 - Fourteenth Picture
How is Hollis able to find a family?  Do they fit with her W picture?
anxious (141)
fragrant (159)
feisty (165)

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