Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Stargirl by Jerry Spinnelli

Porcupine Necktie - Chapter 5
What do you know about Stargirl?  What sets her apart from the other students in her high school?
flourish (1)
"milling about" (3)
marooned (4)
absurdity (7)
hoax (8)
elusive (15)

Chapters 6 - 11
How does Stargirl become popular in school?  What were some things that led people to not like her?
morbid (30)
proximity (30)
bafflement (32)
ovation (37)
dormant (39)
elated (43)

Chapters 12 - 15
How are the students at Mica different than Stargirl in their idea of winning?
verdict (55)
impromptu (58)
contrary (68)
desperation (71)
subdued (73)
devistation (75)

Chapters 16 - 19
What does Archie mean when he asks, "Whose affection do you value more, hers or the others?" 
contort (76)
unison (78)
stalking (86)
commotion (91)
isolation (99)
consult (103)

Chapters 20 - 23
How does the shunning affect Leo?  Is this the same for Stargirl?  How would you respond if it happened to you?
rapture (107)
prospector (113)
proclaim (119)
inspection (120)
shun (126)
phony (127)

Chapters 24 - 28
What speeches does "Susan" deliver at the state finals?  How does she write these speeches?
torrent (131)
hermit (136)
tentative (139)
gander (147)
extinct (150)
timid (153)

Chapters 29 - More Than Stars
What happened to Stargirl?  What are some of the long term changes she started at the school?
dwindle (157)
subside (158)
vacant (161)
disparage (165)
regal (169)
primordial (177)

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