Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke

Chapters 1 - 3
Why have Prosper and Bo run away?  Where to?  Who cares for them?
engrossed (8)
sullen (9)
scheme (11)
reluctantly (19)
parcel (26)

Chapters 4 - 6
Who is Barbarossa?  Why do the children not like working with him?
condescending (32)
perpetrator (33)
remorseful (35)
meticulous (40)
deduct (41)

Chapters 7 - 11
Why does Prosper think he needs a disguise?  How does he change his and Bo's appearance?  Does it work?
amateur (54)
exotic (63)
venerable (69)
punctual (69)
mingle (71)

Chapters 12 - 14
What mistakes has Bo made?  How was he tricked?  What could happen because of his carelessness?
entourage (75)
lynch (84)
vermin (86)
scrutinize (92)

Chapters 15 - 17
How does Victor discover Scipio's identity?  What do we know about his home and family?
inconspicuous (97)
hostile (100)
quiver (104)
phrase (109)
ornate (112)

Chapters 18 - 21
What choices does Prosper have about his future?  Where can he and Bo go?
barricaded (123)
strenuous (123)
felled (126)
conspiritorial (133)

Chapters 22 - 24
How does the gang discover the truth about the Thief Lord?  What is that truth?
dour (140)
saunter (141)
grubby (155)
imaculate (156)
defiant (158)

Chapters 25 - 27
Why does the Conte want the wing?  Retell the legend of the merry-go-round of the Merciful Sisters.
abrupt (171)
conscience (177)
dispute (177)

Chapters 28 - 31
What is your opinion of Victor?  Explain your thinking with examples from the book.
arrogant (184)
vague (190)
horrendous (154)
substantial (197)
punctual (201)

Chapters 32 - 35
Do you think Hornet is making a good choice by not telling the police her name?  Why could this help or harm her?
frail (204)
monastery (208)
ceasefire (217)
hysterical (219)
relentless (223)

Chapters 36 - 39
What are your thoughts about Esther?  How does she treat Bo?  Would you want to live with her?
custody (233)
allotted (235)
anonymous (237)
oblivious (240)
porter (241)

Chapters 40 - 43
What is the history of the Conte?  How are he and Scipio different from eachother?
prowling (254)
hostile (255)
dilapidated (256)
refuge (261)
reluctant (263)

Chapters 44 - 45
What has happened to the merry-go-round?  Whose fault is it?  Why did they do it?  How will this affect others?
labyrinth (273)
procure (274)
trident 9279)
catastrophe (290)

Chapters 46 - 49
How is Barbarossa now different?  How is he the same?  Think about his actions and language.
barge (294)
pox (296)
phony (298)
sass (309)
immaculate (310)

Chapters 50 - 53
How did Scipio's choice change his life?  Do you think he regrets his actions?  Would you make the same choice as he if given the chance?
mediocre (320)
sinister (324)
excursion (329)

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